Sunshine and the Commission – Dr. Lundy and Durrett

I have been attending Knox County Commissioners Sunshine gatherings since Commissioner Larsen Jay attempted to throw former Commissioner Evelyn Gill off the Joint Education Committee. Jay lost that battle.

This morning, Commissioners Dr. Dasha Lundy and Courtney Durrett had a breakfast that they noticed at Pete’s Cafe with Knox Schools Chief of Staff Renee Kelly.

Dr. Lundy (mask on) Kelly, Durrett and I just before ordering

Dr. Lundy (mask on) Kelly, Durrett and I just before ordering

When I got there, Commissioner Justin Biggs was at a table with Former Sheriff Jimmy JJ Jones and Businessman Jim Jennings.

Before I got a table, Knox County Commissioner Kyle Ward came in and shortly behind him was Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. They ate and met at another table.

as I was leaving, Commissioner Ward came by to say goodbye

as I was leaving, Commissioner Ward came by to say goodbye. Kim Frazier took my seat.

But, then WATE showed up with a photog and with reporter Blake Steven’s. I don’t normally link to others stories, but I think you should see my hate and my Country ham, here. Additionally, WVLT attended also.

Ward allowed me to do a selfie

Ward allowed me to do a selfie, that is Lundy’s peace sign photobomb

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